Friday, August 23, 2013

I know you can steer my hurricane

Dear God,

Today I went through my day and I talked to you some. Over all I had a good day at work and a good evening. I wasn't as productive as I had planned. God right now as I crawl into bed and prepare myself for sleep I can't help but get so lost in how everything has changed so much. And I look back at where I've been to where I thought I was headed and I wonder if I ever had a chance. That sounds so awful and I'm not unhappy, I'm just human. A human trying to let go of the reigns and trust that you have a plan bigger than what I can see. Bigger than me. And that the dreams and desires I have, you gave me, and they will be fulfilled. I learned in a book why trusting You is so hard for me but even though they explained it, I still feel so frustrated and sorry that I always try to do things on my own. Lord, when my heart is heavy. When I'm not sure where I'm going or how I am ever going to do this life...hold me. With as much passion as I prayed for her to feel your peace Lord I pray that I have that same measure. I pray that my Grace baby will always be Your baby and that in You I will have the strength to be who I need to be. So God here I am, here are my reigns. You take them.
