Wednesday, June 5, 2013


These last two weeks I have been jotting down random thoughts on a Word document and they may not really make sense but they're me. And they may not always be politically correct or proper or whatever but if this blog is about my journey than these parts of me are important to share too, so here they are:
People always talk about going somewhere and starting new, somewhere where no one even knows their name. They talk about leaving and adventuring out alone and they always romanticize it. But truthfully I think people forget about the alone times. The times when the suns out and there’s no one around to share it with. The times when it’s dark at night and there’s no one around to hold you. Maybe it’s just me, maybe I haven’t quite figured out how to put myself out there and just meet people or to just be able to be by myself. I mean, I’m not the kind of girl to go out to the bar or to walk up to a stranger and introduce myself. But really, I enjoy being alone, so I guess just as a human I miss the companionship. I miss knowing people are around that actually care to know my name. Whether for good or bad reasons. Someone recognizable not just from seeing them at the same place each day but because they take the time out of their life to be that recognizable person.

And also, people forget it’s okay to cry. Though people never really see me cry, I cry at least every second day. And I’m glad I can. There are so many people who are trapped and they can’t even cry. I may not always be okay, and I certainly do not have things figured out and that is exactly why I’m glad I can cry.

I worry about people who don’t even know I still care about them or ever even think of them. I worry because for whatever reason I am not there with them and I know that nothing I could have done, not even loving them endlessly has helped them.

It’s scary how much something so irrelevant to your life can affect you so much. Like that one person who made your life miserable years ago, how upon seeing how great their life is you feel empty with that feeling of despair they thrust upon you time and time again as they snickered at you in disgust.

I’m not sure what happened. All I know is that it has been a long time coming. People change. Such is life. But what exactly happened to make two people go from being inseparable to basically strangers?

More than anything I want you to know how loved you are. More than anything. You are loved more than you could even fathom, more than I could ever express. My heart aches knowing of this love that you haven’t seen yet. I wonder how I will ever be able to adequately show it to you so that maybe you will catch a glimpse of it. You are loved. Everything you ever desired stems from this Love. From Love Himself. He created you to love you and to be loved in return by you. So sweet and complex and greater than your mind will ever understand but your heart and soul will sing so true if you would let it in. If only you knew it existed. If only you knew how real it truly is.

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