Friday, September 5, 2014

cli·ché: klēˈSHā kli-,kli-,ˈklēˌSHā/ noun 1. a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.

You hear so many as you grow up and go through school. I can't even remember half of the ones I have heard but there are two that stand out to me tonight as I am in the thick the situation I call my life. 
"There is a thin line between love and hate" I could list the things that were done that hurt and angered me. It would be a very long list. Thinking about a lot of them would still trigger emotion; mainly anger. All the same it would be too easy to forget this huge list and return back to where I was before. Who I was with before. I don't really know how I feel about you anymore. I do know that the emotions I have felt for you are the closest to hate I have ever felt for someone but here I am loving you all over. Whatever this is I would like it to stop because it does not resolve. 
 "If you never let go of your past, you'll never see your future" When will I listen. When will I let go. I hold onto everything. I'm pretty sure that I still have my baby teeth saved somewhere. I check up on so many people who I don't maintain contact with because I want to know how their lives are going. I take my caring to the next level and can't let go of people who are not in my life for very good reasons. I check and recheck. I ask and look and even though I can pretend that it does no harm, I know it does not benefit either. Deep down I long for what He could offer and has planned but if I never let go I'll never see it. I'll never know what God has in store because I'm too busy in my own head thinking about things long gone.

I'm ready to learn new things. I'm ready to forget that these cliches are actually genuine because they are no longer relevant to me. How do I get there from here?

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