Friday, October 10, 2014

Someone Like You

I had the best Valentine's Day with you. It wasn't even a date. I went to class, came back took a nap, picked up the flowers my mom sent before I spent the rest of the evening curling my hair. I borrowed K's car and picked you up and we went down the hill to Sonic. You got food and I so typically got a hot fudge milkshake. We sat and talked for a couple hours before you had to go back. I had such a good time. I can't even remember now what all we talked about but I know we covered pretty much anything and everything. You opened up and finally told me about you. You cracked my thumbs for me (like only you can) and I remember leaving my hand in yours and looking up at you. I was never physically attracted to you before that moment. But I looked at your lips and thought about kissing them. Months later you admitted to wanting to but thankfully you didn't. It would have ruined it. I know you're not perfect but there was something. You would laugh at how easily distracted I could be, get annoyed at how I could never walk in a straight line, and tell me how cute I was every time my nose would get red in the cold. I was taller than you in heels but it didn't bother me. You could play piano amazingly and I wasn't even jealous (which is huge). I met so many people just by sitting down for supper with you. People gravitated to you. I pushed your buttons and you drove me bonkers with your sometimes over confident attitude. You're there and in love, and I am here and a mom. I'm okay with that and I never thought I would want to be anything more than friends with you but I guess you showed me how it is like to be treated by a truly Godly man and I can't seem to shake that.

I have dated two people. One person was a best friend & a first, the other was a soulmate & a partner. But you were something absolutely and completely different. Thank you for not pursuing me. Thank you for respecting me. Thank you for being my friend.

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